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Monday, September 26, 2005

Yes!!!Treasure your life and the time with loved ones.

Oh, Mr Lim, it's sternum.(quite close Mr Lim)In layman, It consists of three parts, connecting the ribs from both sides, forming the thoracic wall.ribs will articulate with the sternum via costal cartilages.A "punch" on the sternum causes stress to whatever found inside the thoracic cage.

Yes! Pls appreciate your armpits too...it consists of so many "things", connecting the body to the upper limb and it is very vulnerable.Never ever get yourselves involved in a fracture.The pain may go but the functions of the limbs will be affected in one way or another.Pls dont ever take your body for granted.Never assume that you are healthy. People often have the misconception that after recovering from certain serious illness or injuries, he is almost 100% Ok! Nope, recovery takes some time unlike the normal cough and flu.

Did some readings on art therapy.Another thing that will do good to your mental health is never to be so judgemental. be it to others or yourself.The right brain doesnt really judge things.It is the left brain that does all the logical thinking and "forces" you to convince yourself something that your emotions do not really feel. For eg,the left brain reminds you of all the norms in your culture and hinders your understanding of how you really feel by directing your ill feelings towards something else(like blamming yourself/saying things like"it is wrong to be angry as nice girls dont do that"). It is only your "heart"(a.k.a right brain) that can actually dig out the root of your negative feelings. So, why verbal counselling sessions may not work that well? that's becos, when one tries to express himself through words, he goes thru the logical left brain and picks "correct" words.It is scientifically proven that we often accept info around us thru images and so, scribbling "rubbish" on a blank piece may help one to discover oneself better.Haha...just sharing with you.Maybe you may not understand what i am talking about as i am not that good at explaining in words.I need to show you some actions.(me moving and swinging hands)

Anyway, i am a half-baked potato.Give me not 2.5 yrs more but 25 more yrs!!!HAHA....till then.

Take care,


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